History of WC

History of WC - Clash of 2 cultures - WC in Morocco

The arrangement of toilets in bathrooms in countries like Morocco has cultural and architectural origins. Here are some possible reasons for this provision :

- Architectural tradition: In many traditional Maghreb houses, the arrangement of rooms follows a particular model, influenced by architectural and climatic considerations. Placing the toilet in the bathroom optimizes the use of space in homes.

WC in bathrooms in Morocco

- Water management: In certain regions of the Maghreb, where water can be a precious commodity, bathrooms are designed to be easily cleaned using showers or shower heads located near the toilets. This makes water management and cleaning the bathroom as a whole easier.

- Cultural and religious norms: In certain Maghreb cultures, cleanliness is an important value. Having the toilet in the bathroom can be seen as a convenient way to maintain a high level of personal hygiene.

West - separate WC with ventilation window

The arrangement of the toilet in a separate room, distinct from the bathroom, in many Western countries has historical, cultural and health origins. Here are some reasons for this practice:

- Historical Origins: Throughout history, house design has evolved differently in Western regions compared to other parts of the world. Architectural and cultural influences led to the creation of separate bathrooms, with a toilet placed in a separate room.

- Sanitary standards: Separating toilets from other bathroom facilities can contribute to higher sanitary standards. This reduces the risk of cross-contamination between restrooms and areas where people wash, shower, or perform other personal hygiene activities.

West - separate WC with ventilation window

- Cultural Preferences: In many Western cultures, there is a preference for privacy and privacy when using the toilet. Creating a toilet in a separate room addresses this cultural preference.

- Comfort and practicality: Separating the toilet allows several members of a family to get ready in the morning at the same time, because one person can use the toilet while another uses the bathroom. This can be considered more convenient for families.

- Evolution of building standards: Modern Western building standards have continued to favor the design of houses with separate toilets. Real estate developers, architects, and housing designers often follow these established standards.
- Medical influences: Certain medical aspects have also influenced the separation of toilets, in particular to minimize the spread of infectious diseases and facilitate sanitary maintenance.

Our opinion for better renting
WC : the best compromise for both cultures

In order to reach as many Arab and Western tenants as possible, I would arrange for separate toilets with a window and a water point for washing.

Tip : you can add a BOKU system to your existing toilet.
 Voir le site web BOKU